Saturday, October 19, 2013
Sedikit Coretan...Nasihat
Allah tak pernah kekalkan malam tanpa siang,
Allah tak pernah kekalkan hujan tanpa panas,
Allah tak pernah kekalkan tangisan tanpa ketawa,
Begitu juga sedih, Allah takkan kekalkan sedih tanpa gembira.
Bersangka baiklah dengan Allah.
Allah akan kurniakan sesuatu yang baik juga.
Allah tak pernah menzalimi hambaNya.
Dan janganlah kamu menzalimi diri kamu sendiri.
Tersenyumlah dalam menghadapi hari-harimu...
Sis Raden Faezah
Friday, October 18, 2013
Bila Anak Terlalu Manja
Bila Anak Terlalu Manja
Ibu bapa perlu mengenali 10 tanda perilaku berikut yang menunjukkan ciri-ciri anak manja yang mungkin menjadi sukar dikawal. Segeralah bertindak menanganinya sebelum terlambat.
1. Mereka akan menangis dan menjerit jika inginkan sesuatu.
2. Suka merajuk sambil terlentang di lantai dan enggan bangun jika kemahuannya tidak dituruti.
3. Sering marah dan memukul ibu bapa apabila dikenakan hukuman atau dimarah.
4. Mengabaikan pertanyaan ibu bapa.
5. Bersikap kasar dengan orang dewasa dan adik-beradik lain.
6. Menolak berkongsi mainan dan sebagainya dengan adik-beradik lain.
7. Suka menjadi perhatian jika berada dalam kumpulan kanak-kanak seusianya.
8. Selalu mahukan apa yang menjadi milik orang lain. Bila berjaya mendapatnya, mereka inginkan sesuatu yang baru pula.
9. Membiarkan bilik bersepah dan tidak mahu mengemasnya sehingga akhirnya ibu bapa mengalah dan membereskannya kerana tidak sanggup melihat keadaan itu.
10. Sukar tidur mengikut waktu tidur yang sepatutnya.
Apa yang harus dilakukan?
*Berikan mereka ganjaran bagi kelakuan baik yang ditunjukkan, dan hukuman bagi kesalahan yang dilakukkan. Bila anak menjerit mahukan sesuatu, jangan berikan sehingga mereka menyedari yang tingkah laku tersebut salah serta meminta maaf.
*Apabila mereka sedang marah dan enggan berganjak daripada lantai, angkat dan masukkan mereka ke dalam bilik sehingga mereka tenang dan meminta maaf atas kesalahan.
*Apabila anak-anak mengabaikan perintah anda untuk melakukan sesuatu, hukumlah segera. Suruh berdiri di satu sudut dan jangan berganjak selagi belum meminta maaf.
*Jangan turuti semua permintaan anak. Biasakan anak berusaha untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang mereka inginkan.
*Jika bilik mereka bersepah, jangan izinkan mereka keluar dari bilik sehingga mereka membersihkan bilik.
*Tetapkan waktu tidur mereka dan didik mereka berdisiplin dengan peraturan tersebut. Anda mesti bertegas dengan peraturan yang dibuat dan jangan mengalah dengan pujuk rayu anak.
In Shaa Allah..
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Olive Goodness
1. Olive oil as skincare
Skin can get dry and scaly in wintertime, so consider using olive oil to moisturise it back to its full glory: the next time you take a bath or shower, massage some olive oil into your skin while it’s still damp, and you’ll notice results almost immediately. For particularly dry feet and hands, slather on the oil just before bed and then put on cotton socks and gloves to keep the oil in place as you sleep. The results you’ll see in the morning will be downright astonishing.
You can use olive oil as a lip conditioner, to moisturise and soften cuticles around your nails, and can even be dabbed onto babies’ bottoms to help ease diaper rash.
This stuff is also great for your hair: a bit of oil can be rubbed into the scalp an hour before washing to help alleviate dandruff, and can also be applied to the ends of your hair if they’re dry and splitting. Pets can benefit from topical olive oil as well, particularly on rough paw-pads.
2. Oil-pulling therapy
Oil-pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that has been lauded the world over for its therapeutic benefits. Basically, a tablespoon of oil is gargled and swished around the mouth for 15-20 minutes a few times a day, and then spat out. How does this help your body? Apparently it acts like a detoxifier, drawing all kinds of bacteria, mucus, and toxins out of your body in much the same way that oil in your car’s engine collects all the dirt and debris within it. People have claimed that it can alleviate everything from arthritis and allergies to chronic fatigue and PMS.
3. Hairball relief
Hopefully this isn’t something you suffer from, but it works wonders for pet cats: adding ½ a teaspoon to your cat’s food every day can help to either prevent or alleviate hairball issues, and will also make their coats softer and more lustrous.
4. It adds moisture to cakes
5. As wood polish
In addition to all of these amazing benefits, you can also use olive oil to polish wooden furniture and floors, though it seems like a terrible waste to use such a great oil for this sort of thing. If you’re going to go this route, make sure to use a low grade of oil so you don’t break the heats of all the craftspeople who work so hard to press the extra-virgin stuff.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
@-- KAWAN @--
1.Kawan tu bukan macam main FUTSAL. Mula-mula kejar… Dah dapat sepak…
2. Kawan tu bukan macam main SKATE. Mula-mula gosok…Lepas tu pijak…
3. Kawan tu bukan mcm main RAGBI. Mula-mula tangkap…Dah dapat tendang…
4. Kawan tu bukan mcm PAMPERS. Dah pakai pastu buang…
5. Kawan tu bknnya mcm BARANG KEMAS. Waktu baru beli pakai…Dah sengkek gadai…
6. Kawan tu bukan macam PELANGI. Hari cerah hilang…Hujan gerimis baru muncul…
7. Kawan tu bukan macam KERETA. Rosak sikit jual …Beli baru…
8. Kawan tu bukan macam CHIPSMORE . Kejap ade kejap takde…
9. Kawan tu bukan macam BANK. Bila dah takde duit baru nak cari…
10. Lagi…Kawan tu macam ape ye???
7. Kawan tu bukan macam KERETA. Rosak sikit jual …Beli baru…
8. Kawan tu bukan macam CHIPSMORE . Kejap ade kejap takde…
9. Kawan tu bukan macam BANK. Bila dah takde duit baru nak cari…
10. Lagi…Kawan tu macam ape ye???
Hmmmm…Haa…Kawan tu macam AWAK LA…
Bila saya tulis artikel, awak akan baca dengan teliti sampai habis…
Bila saya tulis artikel, awak akan baca dengan teliti sampai habis…
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.......

The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You'll be able to feel the difference.
The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose
and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose
and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to 'cold'.
Most females breathe with their left noses,
so they get "cooled off" faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses,
they get worked up.
Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better?
Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..
You will feel refreshed quickly.
Do you suffer from continual headaches?
Try out this breathing therapy.
Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose.
Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.
Why not give it a try.....a natural therapy without medication.
Monday, October 14, 2013
WARDAH Johor Skincare & Cosmetic: The 11 benefits of Lemon Water..
WARDAH Johor Skincare & Cosmetic: The 11 benefits of Lemon Water..: I was first introduced to the concept of lemon water when I wanted to lose weight... An avid drinker (of water!), it was refreshing to...
The 11 benefits of Lemon Water..
I was first introduced to the concept of lemon water when I wanted to lose weight... An avid drinker (of water!), it was refreshing to learn a new spin on an old favorite. When I started having a glass of lemon water every morning, it was after learning only two of the benefits of lemon water. Little did I know just how many there are!
Why lemons?
Lemons are packed with nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. (Fun fact: they contain more potassium than apples or grapes!)
Because of how hard lemon juice can be on the enamel of your teeth, it’s important to dilute it with water of any temperature (though lukewarm is recommended). Drink it first thing in the morning, and wait 15 to 30 minutes to have breakfast. This will help you fully receive the benefits of lemon water, which are listed below.
11 Benefits of Lemon Water
1. Gives your immune system a boost.
Vitamin C is like our immune system’s jumper cables, and lemon juice is full of it. The level of vitamin C in your system is one of the first things to plummet when you’re stressed, which is why experts recommended popping extra vitamin C during especially stressful days.
2. Excellent source of potassium.
As already mentioned, lemons are high in potassium, which is good for heart health, as well as brain and nerve function.
3. Aids digestion.
Lemon juice not only encourages healthy digestion by loosening toxins in your digestive tract, it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating.
4. Cleanses your system.
It helps flush out the toxins in your body by enhancing enzyme function, stimulating your liver.
5. Freshens your breath.
It also helps relieve toothaches and gingivitis (say wha?). Because the citric acid can erode tooth enamel, either hold off on brushing your teeth after drinking lemon water or brush your teeth before drinking it.
6. Keeps your skin blemish-free.
6. Keeps your skin blemish-free.
The antioxidants in lemon juice help to not only decrease blemishes, but wrinkles too! It can also be applied to scars and age spots to reduce their appearance, and because it’s detoxifying your blood, it will maintain your skin’s radiance.
7. Helps you lose weight.
Lemons contain pectin fiber, which assists in fighting hunger cravings.
8. Reduces inflammation.
8. Reduces inflammation.
If you drink lemon water on a regular basis, it will decrease the acidity in your body, which is where disease states occur. It removes uric acid in your joints, which is one of the main causes of inflammation.
9. Gives you an energy boost.
9. Gives you an energy boost.
Lemon juice provides your body with energy when it enters your digestive tract, and it also helps reduce anxiety and depression. (Even the scent of lemons has a calming effect on your nervous system!)
10. Helps to cut out caffeine.
10. Helps to cut out caffeine.
I didn’t believe this until I tried it, but replacing my morning coffee with a cup of hot lemon water has really done wonders! I feel refreshed, and no longer have to deal with that pesky afternoon crash. Plus, my nerves are thankful.
11. Helps fight viral infections.
Warm lemon water is the most effective way to diminish viral infections and their subsequent sore throats. Plus, with the lemon juice also boosting your immune system, you’ll simultaneously fight off the infection completely.
How much?
For those who weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze half a lemon’s worth of juice into a glass of water. If over 150 pounds, use an entire lemon’s juice. You can of course dilute the lemon juice more, depending on your personal taste.
Not only are the benefits of lemon water endless, it’s one of the most substantial yet simple changes you can make for your health.
For those who weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze half a lemon’s worth of juice into a glass of water. If over 150 pounds, use an entire lemon’s juice. You can of course dilute the lemon juice more, depending on your personal taste.
Not only are the benefits of lemon water endless, it’s one of the most substantial yet simple changes you can make for your health.
So...Will lemon water be part of your daily routine? Let us know in the comments!
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